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Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (EXTC) Department of MCT’s Rajiv Gandhi institute of Technology started in 1992 with Under Graduate (UG) program intake of 60 which was further increased to 120 in the year 2010. Department's PG program started in year 2012 with intake of 18 and PhD in the year 2013 with intake of 10.

UG program of department is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation since 2014. The department has a good record of organizing seminars, workshops, and symposia in emerging technological areas. Department is blessed with highly qualified, experienced, dynamic and technologically sound faculties.

The department is having the state-of-the-art infrastructure, which includes ventilated class rooms, laboratories and staff rooms. Under the guidance of the management and principal, the department is flourishing by leaps and bounds.

Faculty List 

Placement Data 

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