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ZODIAC: Techno- cultural Annual Festival of RGIT

RGIT celebrates a grand techno cultural annual festival named as ZODIAC. The festival unfolds the treasure of talent in the students. Every student has a galaxy of talents in him/her. If the student gets an opportunity to show his/her talent and skills before audience, it helps in overall personality development of student. Todays amateur and novice artist can be an eminent professional tomorrow. RGIT houses a huge number of technical and cultural activities. The ZODIAC festival is visited and attended by eminent personalities from the industry and academics. Every year number of Bollywood singers, actors, directors, join the festival and entertain the audience with their spell binding performances. The festival provides students and the staff an opportunity to rendezvous with Bollywood stars and artists. This festival is unforgettable experience for the institute.

Innovision 2017 ( Technical Fest ) : 

Technical activities under Innovision

1. Technical Paper Presentation
2. Project Competition
3. Poster Making
4. Technical Quiz

Cultural activities under ZODIAC

1. Fashion Show
2. Dance Show
3. Singing Competition
4. Street Play
5. Events For a Cause
6. Jugalbandi



Anand Raj Anand with Principal


Jatin Pandit with Principal


 CII AWARD  • Permanent affiliation to University of Mumbai

• ISO 9000:2008, Certified Institution.
• CII accreditation under Industry Institute Partnership.
• NBA accreditation of UG programs in Computer, Electronic and Telecommunication and Mechanical Engineering.
• Institution of Post graduate and research Programs in Computer, Electronic and Telecommunication and             

  Mechanical Engineering.
• Established associations with premier Research and Educational Institutes and industries in entire Country.

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